Wednesday, July 8, 2009

9 JUly 2009

Nothing to do..
Pg td da settlekan ka.Ann pye blog..
Perhh pye lame siann ka.Ann tggu finally alhmdulillah dpt juge settle... kan ka.Ann kan hikk..;D
Well k.Ann ur sys in law ni bkn nye reti naw blog2 ni br nak berjinak kot uhu..
Name jew amik CS hee tp tade teror lah sys sOryy whee tp dpt gak settle akhirnye en en enn ;p kire terer la jugak ahakk!

Ka Ann nati bunjeee ekekekekk~

Petang td tgh asyikk tgk konsert Jacko kat lappy amma pon tetibe berteriakk
"Tuhan tu nak cabOt nyawe sekejapp je x kire usie..Mak lagi tue dr MJ tu taw.."
then tros tekan pause button kat lappy ni then pegi bilik air amik wuduk and pray lah pe lg.hihihiii amma niiiiiii~;DD..

Then finished Zoho prayer nak continuelah konsert suddently I saw got bungkusan on the lib table.Owhh pos laju.I kno already..It from my Lon lahh ad kirim ink printer kat diee..
Kat klang ni bkn tade but bapak mahallah wei RM 34 kot huh.Then lon kate nati de blikan kat tmpat de je bole dpt RM 22.Okayyy terbaekk la lon..and tadi sampaii..Tros text lon kate da sampiiii and tenkiuuu jasamu dikenangg!!;]]

Then cont. open the... weh bungkusan in eng ape ae??hak lupe te bungkusan kan then didalam nye ad 4 ink catridge and got Supriseeee!!!wheeeeeeee ade cute little BVLGARI perfumelahh wehhhh~chunmeelll amat mcm akuuuu hahakk
nih2 rupe de..

Hik cute jew en en mcm amee wikk..
same like akak punye lahh but this is mini only hihi nevamine I do like it so much! Thx looonn 4 the present!! Really appreciate it! Next kasi besyaaaa punye aw aw Winkk ;pPp

Sambong watch Jacko konsert.End.Chioww ;)


  1. next time lon bg yg syg yg besaw2..
    tp besaw xchumill..
    nnti da xsame cute mcm syg..
    pki perfume tuu..
    xmo simpan au..
    insyaAllah lon bli kan yg laen nnti yee syg..

  2. looooooooooooonnn i really miss youu!
